Module 2: Defect Chemistry and Defect Equilibria
  Defect Equilibria in Stoichiometric Oxides

2.11 Defect Equilibria in Stoichiometric Oxides

The defects which we usually consider in stoichiometric oxides are Schottky and Frenkel defects and following paragraphs so analysis for both these kinds of defects for an oxide MO.

2.11.1 Schottky Defects

Defect reaction in an oxide MO is written as

Equilibrium constant for this reaction is
KS = [] [VM'']

Here square brackets i.e. [ ] are used for concentration.
Equilibrium constant can be also be expressed as


where ΔGS is the molar free energy of defect formation and is ΔHS - TΔSS, where ΔHS is the enthalpy for defect formation and ΔSS is the entropy change which is mainly vibrational in nature and can be assumed to be constant. This leads to


If Schottky defects dominate, then


Here, as one can see, defect concentrations are independent of pO2.

2.11.2 Frenkel defects

For an oxide MO

which leads to 



At reasonably low defect concentrations when

[Mi••] and [VM''] << MM and MM≈1



If Frenkel defects dominate, then




In a similar manner what we did above for Schottky defects, one can now write


Again we can see that the defect  is independent of pO2.