Module 2: Defect Chemistry
  Concentration of Intrinsic Defects

2.7 Concentration of Intrinsic Defects

Let us consider the formation of Frenkel defects in a halide, MX, i.e.

MM+ XX VM' + Mi+ XX

Change in the free energy (ΔG) upon formation of  'n' Frenkel defect pairs at an expense of ΔGf energy per pair


where ΔSC is the change in configurational entropy and is positive. Equilibrium concentration of defects is found by minimizing ΔG w. r. t.  n i.e. the concentration at which free energy is minimum. 

Change in entropy is given by


where W is the number of ways in which defects can be arranged.
Now, as per the defect reaction shown above, number of Frenkel pairs (n) would lead to the formation equal number of interstitials (ni) as well as vacancies (nv) i.e.


Assume that total number of lattice sites = N
Number of ways to arrange the vacancies, Wv is


Ways to arrange the interstitials (assuming that N lattice sites are equivalent to N interstitial sites), Wi are


Total number of possible configurations


So, entropy change will now be


For large values of N, Sterling’s approximant  can be applied which leads to


and total free energy change is



Figure 2.3 Equilibrium Vacancy Concentration

Now, if vacancies were stable defects, then at certain concentration, the free energy change has to be minimum, as shown in the figure. Hence, at equilibrium, we can safely write that

Now at equilibrium,


We can also assume  since number of vacancies is much smaller than number of lattice sites in absolute terms.

This results in


Now we know that ΔGf = ΔHf - TΔSv where ΔH  enthalpy of Frenkel defect formation and ΔSv = vibrational entropy change.

Hence Equation (2.12) further simplifies to


Assuming that exp (ΔSv/2kT ) ~1 as vibrational entropy change is very small, and hence


Similarly, for Schottky defects, you can work out that
