This course is prepared for the engineering students in their final year of undergraduate studies or in their graduate studies. Electrical Engineering students with a good background in Signals and Systems are prepared to take this course. Students in other engineering disciplines, or in computer science, mathematics, geo physics or physics should also be able to follow this course. While a course in Digital Signal Processing would be useful, it is not necessary for a capable student. The course has followed problem solving approach as engineers are known as problem solvers. The entire course is presented in the form of series of problems and solutions.
Sudipta Mukhopadhyay is a graduate from JU (1988), MTech (1991) and PhD (1996) from IIT Kanpur. After serving a decade in industry, serving the Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering for more than a decade. The last two companies served are Philips medical Systems and GE Global Research, Bangalore. Written more than 100 articles in referred journals and international conferences. Guided more than 60 MTech and 7 PhD scholars.