Prof. John Jose is an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, since 2015. He completed his Ph.D degree from Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras in the field of computer architecture. He had guided over 8 M.Tech thesis and is currently supervising 7 Ph.D thesis and 2 M.Tech thesis. His area of interests are on-chip interconnection networks and cache management techniques for large multicore systems. He has more than 30 publications in top computer architecture conferences and journals. He has been a resource person to computer architecture related symposia, workshops and short-term courses in many technical institutes all over India. He is the recipient of ACM-SIGDA, IEEE-CEDA, IARCS and DRDO research grants for research presentations held in various international venues. He has already offered a NPTEL online certification course in the area of computer architecture, which will be retelecasting in the upcoming fall. He is the principal investigator of SERB-ECRA and MHRD-SPARC projects. He has an active research collaboration with the University of Catania, Italy, University of Essex, UK, University of Florida, USA, Federal University, Naples, Italy.
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