The course is intended to provide an understanding of the materials and devices used in the current semiconductor industry. It caters to undergraduate and graduate students with a diverse background in Chemical, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Materials Science, and Physics. The course provides the students with the basic physics behind semiconductor materials, types of semiconductors, and the reason for the dominance of silicon in the electronics industry. The course also covers the basics of devices with emphasis on their electronic characteristics. Optical devices like LEDs, lasers, solar cells, and their properties will also be explained.
Prof. Parasuraman Swaminathan joined the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras, in 2013. He has a B. Tech and M. Tech dual degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from IIT Madras, and a PhD in Materials Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He then did a post doc in Johns Hopkins University and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA on microelectronics device fabrication. He also worked in Intel Corp. for two years, primarily in their development fab facility. His research group is called the Electronic Materials and Thin Films group and they work in the area of printed electronics, development of metal and metal oxide nanoparticle inks, and thin film stabilization.