Financial Management is an interesting area of learning for the management graduates, working professionals, chartered accountants and similar other professionals working in the related areas. Investment and financing decisions in the business are quite complex and risky and require a detailed analysis and investigations before finalizing any investment proposal by any existing or a new business organization/firm. Further, it involves complex capital structure related decisions, working out cost of capital and ways and means about maximizing the value of the firm. Finalizing any investment proposal, arranging for the required amount of funds from different sources of finance and deciding the optimum capital structure are some very complex and peculiar decisions that need a strong background of finance and financial management for the decision makers in the industry. Value maximization being the ultimate objective of any business, requires learning about rigorous and thorough investment decision making and evaluation process which may be facilitated after learning about the tools and techniques of financial management. In this subject I will discuss all about the investment, financing and dividend decisions process in the business firms and the process of value maximization of any business firm.