This course is an introduction to amplifiers using transistors. Students will be introduced to MOS transistors, their characteristics, techniques for biasing them, and amplifiers using them. The basic transistor amplifier stages are seen as realizations of different controlled sources using negative feedback. Small- and large-signal characteristics of each amplifier will be discussed. At the end of this course, students should be able to recognize and analyze the basic amplifiers and biasing arrangements using MOS or bipolar transistors.
Jayanta Mukherjee is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of IIT Bombay. He did his PhD from The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio in Electrical and computer Engineering in 2006. His research interests lie in high frequency Passive and Active Circuit Design. He has published a number of papers in top ranked Journals and Conferences and also has a number of patents. He has taught the course \u201cAnalog Circuits\u201d a number of times at IIT Bombay. The course material developed for this NPTEL MOOCS course are mainly derived from the teaching materials developed for the course that he has taught.